PC World

美 [ˌpiː ˈsiː wɜːrld]英 [ˌpiː ˈsiː wɜːld]
  • 网络个人电脑世界;微电脑世界;个人计算机世界;计算机世界
PC WorldPC World
  1. PC World ( Spain ) product of the year for programming language


  2. Microsoft does the right thing with default ' do not track ' [ PC world ]


  3. PC World China is the leading professional publication focusing on computing technologies , products and solutions for business use .


  4. Dell Computers is the industry leader in PC world . Its revenue in Financial year 2002 reached $ 31 billion .


  5. In the PC world , archiving and compression usually happen together by using utilities such as PKZIP .


  6. The other half are angry with the stupid woman , and furious that , in a wildly PC world , a lawyer lost his job without having done anything wrong .


  7. European Commission officials visited Intel 's Munich offices and a number of personal computer retailers , including Media Markt , Europe 's biggest electronic chain , and DSG International , its second biggest , operator of PC World in the UK .


  8. Now , with the PC world on the wane and the company 's leadership and direction in doubt , it is spoken of almost with disdain in Silicon Valley - even though it remains the third biggest tech company based on stock market value , behind Apple and Google .


  9. PC Download World - the Internet collection of tested , rated and reviewed freeware , shareware , demos , and trial software .


  10. It is the revolution of wireless transmission system and is called PC of Radio World .


  11. PC 's gave the world a whole new way to work , play and communicate .


  12. TV 's , cellphones and PC 's were interrupted world wide last night


  13. Hewlett-Packard Co. , the largest PC maker in the world , also reported quarterly results Thursday .


  14. SDR is the revolution in radio system technology , it is going by the name of PC in the radio world .


  15. In late 1993 , he aimed to make Compaq the leading PC maker in the world by 1996 ;


  16. According to first quarter numbers from International Data Corporation , Compaq remains the \# 1 desktop PC company in the world .


  17. Now , with this free mobile phone manager software , you will have a chance to enhance your PC into a mobile world .


  18. The firm 's PC business is the world 's biggest , but is not as profitable as HP 's other units .


  19. Dell , founded in 1984 , now is the largest PC manufacturer in the world with 41800 employees and annual revenue of $ 38.2 billion in 2003 .


  20. Dell Inc. , once the No. 1 PC maker in the world , now ranks third , behind Hewlett-Packard ( HPQ ) and Lenovo .
